Skin Cancer
At Morris Wellness, we’ve been employing Computer Assisted Skin Cancer Screening since 1999 and, indeed, we were the first clinic in Canberra to use this technology. We now have the very latest in professional imaging systems for progressive early recognition of skin cancer and image documentation.

Skin Cancer
in Australia
Did you know Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world? Two out of three Australians can expect to develop at least one skin cancer in their lifetime. This also includes people with tanned or olive complexions.

Your Doctor
Dr Andrew Morris has accumulated over twenty years of experience studying and practicing skin cancer medicine. Having his first skin cancer stimulated him to investigate skin cancer screening technology, and he subsequently completed multiple certificate and advanced certificate courses in dermoscopy and skin cancer medicine and surgery. This culminated in him obtaining the status of Accredited Skin Cancer Doctor, awarded by the Skin Cancer College of Australasia.

Skin Cancer
Dr Andrew Morris has participated in the Advanced Skin Surgery Workshop conducted by the Skin Cancer College Australasia, and holds the Advanced Clinical Certificate in Skin Cancer Medicine and Surgery.